Masterpiece Magic
Unleash the magic and believe in yourself
Unleash the magic and believe in yourself.
Calling all parents and guardians of teens 13 – 16 years old to join us on this journey to help our young adults learn about who they are and how to step into their full potential.
This is where teens can come together from all over the world and create communities where their gifts are recognized and nurtured, a place they can call home.
Wednesdays at 10am PST for 6 weeks
Next start date is October 2nd
See What Our Masterpiece Magic Students Have to Say
"It is a course that helps you in many different ways. It literally is magic. It can transform you in ways you can't imagine. It can create a new person - like a new you - a better version of yourself."
"It helps you feel better about yourself and find who you are."
"Masterpiece Magic is where you can have a little bit of fun. You can find yourself. Learn stuff about yourself you didn't know. You get to meet new people. You get to find a new person in you."
"My favourite part was the butterfly cycle and making my vision board."
"My biggest take away was not to be afraid to express yourself."
"My biggest take away was from the Gene Keys. We have to go through all the negative emotions."
"My top two (favourite part of the program) would be: Vision board and the I am session. I really loved that. My biggest take away is to really stay open even if you feel vulnerable. I really love the course. It's amazing. Shannon, Amor, Maryn, and Alex you guys are amazing."
"Favourite part of the program: I really liked the nutrition one. My biggest take away: Follow your dreams and passions. Don't be afraid of who you are."
Event That Took Place at Crown Isle Golf Course: A Conversation About the Future of Education
As featured on the Comox Valley Record: Read Article
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