Insights From The Atelier Podcast (Ep. 10)
I had the absolute pleasure of being invited to Alexander Inchbald’s podcast (Insights From The Atelier) and I am featured in Episode 10 – Stop Holding Back.
What would you do if you removed all limitations… If you stopped holding part of yourself back… Because you were no longer scared of unleashing your full potential?

Secrets Your Mentor Never Told You
Have you ever wondered about healing your family’s nutritional needs and not doing it all alone? Being called “too much” as a child and “you should be seen and not heard,” I will not back down from these stories. Questions have come through personal experiences of having breast cancer and children with autism. Let’s explore together!
Edible Valley Postcast - Episode 145: How do you get kids to eat their vegetables?
Shannon Simpson and Caroline Fisher discuss the salad bar program at Huband Elementary.
This program provides a healthy nutritious meal available to all the students for a low cost. Students help portion it, serve it, and importantly not waste anything. Grab a plate and dive in with us as we learn about this program and how you could start it in your own school.

Edible Valley Podcast - Episode 150: What’s on a food label?
In this episode, we discuss the joys of food labels. Learning not just what the ingredients are but what they mean in relation to serving sizes, fat to sugar, and everything in between.
We also have some helpful suggestions of what you should be eating. After listening, here is a list of the Dirty Dozen you should purchase organically: Strawberries, Apples, Nectarines, Peaches, Celery, Grapes, Cherries, Spinach, Tomatoes, Sweet bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and Cucumbers. Hope this can help you plan your next meal.