Healthy Home

This is what I’ve learned about keeping a healthy home.

Chemicals in Your Products

The first thing I would like to share with you is a video called “Lousy Labels”.

What I have learned is that many products and salespeople will tell you a product is organic (or safe) and it is NOT!  You really need to know what to look for when you are purchasing products and be your own detective. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by chemicals every day and it is so important that we do our best to keep our families safe.

This now leads me to the next tool (a must-have in your wallet)…

Want to know what's in your products?

Check out the Environmental Working Group – Skin Deep. Type in the chemical name and see what the rating is. It is that easy!

David Suzuki's Dirty Dozen

A printable (wallet size) Sustainable Shoppers Guide to a Dirty Dozen.   It lists the top twelve ingredients you want to avoid in your cosmetics.

Get it on David Suzuki’s website.

Healthy Child Healthy World

I found out about “Healthy Child Healthy World” through a friend that hosted a Norwex party for me and I share it with as many people as I can. The Wake-up Story is a wonderful and touching video that really shows how the chemicals in our world affect us every day. Please take a minute to watch it and check out the site which is full of great information.

Healthy Child Healthy World – ignites the movement that empowers parents to protect children from harmful chemicals. With a growing body of evidence linking everyday environmental contaminants to asthma, learning disabilities, obesity, cancer, and more, Healthy Child translates the science and inspires parents and caregivers to create healthy environments where families can flourish.

Safe Cleaning Products

I learned about Dr. Bronners through a good friend of mine and also at school (The Institute of Holistic Nutrition). You can use it for everything in the home. No chemicals!

Dr. Bronners' Magic Soaps

Over 5 generations and 150 years of Soapmaking Excellence. All Dr. Bronner’s classic liquid & bar soaps are not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program but also certified by Fair Trade! In addition, we offer a range of high-quality organic and fair trade personal care products, from lotions to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods.

More information can be found on Dr. Bronners’ website.


I was introduced to Norwex about years ago and I have to say… I am hooked! Who knew you could clean without chemicals and it would work! I am really in love the microfiber cloths, but be mindful to read the labels as some products are not chemical-free.

NORWEX – Cleaning with (reduced) chemicals . Their cloths will save you time & money, improve health, and move towards creating a better environment. Norwex microfiber goes beyond “surface clean” with the innovative use of silver particles integrated into synthetic microfiber cloth.

Visit Norwex’s website for more.

Make Your Own Cleaners

David Suzuki tells you how with the green cleaning recipes you can make that are safe for your family.

Skin & General Care

Food for your face!

Eminence Organic Skin Care

I found out about Eminence when I had lost all my hair during chemo and my scalp was very dry. Dr. Alison at New Leaf Naturopathic recommended it to me and I fell in love.

Visit their website to learn more and order.

Jane Iredale

Mineral Make-up that is good for the skin. Shop online now.

Voyageur Soap & Candle Co.

In Langley BC – a great place to buy essential oils, organic soap, make your own face cream, lip balms, candles, and more. Shop online.

Nature's Aid

I use it for everything! Skin, first aid, pain, beauty, insect bits, burns. A must-have in the house and all you need for bumps and kids’ cuts etc. It consists of: aloe vera, tea tree, witch hazel, vitamin E, and rosemary.

Check them out at:

Genetic Engineering

Help for consumers nervous about genetic engineering.

Download the free “How to Avoid Genetically Engineered Food” PDF guide.

Want to learn more about keeping a healthy home?


Citizens for Safe Technology – We believe a profound urgency exists to protect the unsuspecting public, especially children, from electropollution in our environment. Without a healthy natural world, human welfare declines, and children’s futures are undermined. Our goal is to raise awareness of this problem so that the public is empowered to protect themselves, their children, and the environment while demanding reduced exposure to unsafe technologies. The website if full of information (including the new smart meters).

Visit their Facebook group for more information.

The Healthy Home

The healthy home is a website and also a great book that I learned about through my life coach “Lee Chamberland.” It is full of great information and goes through every room in detail. Things you would have never considered to be dangerous. Take time to check it out… You will be glad you did.

Simple truths to protect your family from household dangers. The healthy home isn’t only a comprehensive look at the dangerous poisons within your home but is a guidebook of simple solutions that will help you live a life free of the toxic burdens society has created, packaged, and sold to you as necessities of everyday life. As you read, you’ll begin to learn about the science behind the positive choices you can make to improve your and your family’s most important resource-your health.

Visit My Healthy Home online.


Watch Shannon's TEDx Talk "The Gift of Failure"

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