When I reflect back on the last eight months, it is clear to me why I have not written a blog since February. My good friend Alison told me that this year has been described as “the year of change” and this is most definitely true for myself, and MANY other people in my life.
Since February, we have pulled Nolan out of French school and taken Abigail to art therapy lessons to help her move through her emotions and distress around being bullied at school. With support from my husband, family and friends I completed my three and a half years of schooling at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. In May, we put our house up for sale, on Mother’s Day weekend and purchased a home in beautiful Courtenay on Vancouver Island at the very same time. Just three weeks later, we sold our business of 10 years (Clover Clean) and, with continued support from my amazing counselor Colleen, we packed and moved our entire life, this summer, to Courtenay on July 8th. Yes… the year of CHANGE.
Our world seemed to be falling apart in February and everything felt very uneasy. We had been talking about moving to the island but in the middle of chaos, it was not the right time to do so. In April, things became more settled. Nolan was in a new school, Abigail was getting good support from outside of school and the Principal at her school was being very helpful. I had one class to complete and on top of all that, we had a serious buyer for Clover Clean. Then, a new MLS listing came up and Marty sent me an email saying, “This house is AMAZING.” It was in Courtenay and we went over to see it that week, and the rest is history.
Many of our family and friends were unsure of our move (some still are) but sometimes we need to think outside the box and follow our heart, not our head. Too often we listen to our mind and intuitively we know that our heart is right. Science has proven that the heart is smarter than our head. I (we) followed our heart and it has been quite the ride. Four months later we are in our beautiful home, moving at a MUCH slower pace, spending way more time in nature and surrounded by a community of amazing, kind, and generous people. I am glad I listened to my heart.
At night I listen to the wind in the trees and often hear owls in the distance. In the morning I light the fire, head out to the barn to let out the chickens, feed the cats and bunnies. I make breakfast, walk the kids to the school bus (9 minutes from the house through the forest). Afterwards, I take the long way home for an extended walk (because I can). When I get home, I have time to make a coffee, tidy up from breakfast, plan dinner, get outside and cut wood, and volunteer at the school. My new life if a very different lifestyle from before. Still lots to do, but it feels good to give my children the same type of childhood that I was so very blessed to have. Thanks mom and dad! My dad said to recently me, “I hope you crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s Shannon?” I replied, “I want my kids have the same childhood I had dad.” Dad’s reply was, “I can’t argue with that.”
This last Saturday I come back to the mainland to attend a funeral for a dear family friend. She was our neighbor for 18 years, close family friend for 39 years and we celebrated every Christmas Eve together. The amount of people that attended her funeral was a true representation to the beautiful, caring person she was. Many people called her mommy, including myself. The stories shared at her celebration of life reminded me how very lucky were to grow up in the small, close knit Port Kells Community. Many of the families from our small community attended and we reminisced, laughed and cried. What a blessing! I walked away on Saturday wanting to be a better mom, love more and also was reminded why community is so important.
If you have been thinking about making changes in your life, don’t let fear hold you back. Follow your heart because it knows best. I am glad I did.
What we fear doing most is usually what we need to do – Tim Ferriss
Stars can’t shine without darkness – Author Unknown
Great Books to Read:
When Things Fall Apart – Pema Chodron
Simplicity Parenting – Kim John Payne, Lisa M. Ross
Less is More – Cecile Andrews and Wanda Urbanska
Great articles
1 thought on “Follow Your Heart”
Hi Shannon
So happy to hear all is going well for your and your family in Courtenay as we were worried that you might be too far from home and family.
It is therapeutic to get back to nature and enjoy the sounds and smell of nature as I told my kids when going through stress myself. We are all made from nature and the God above (or Power above however you think). This is the reason I love going to Mayne and listening to the sound of the ocean, birds singing and wind whistling through the trees or go to Central Park in Burnaby and walk through the forest close to home. Nature soothes the soul and getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life is a bonus and rests the soul.
Enjoy reading your blog and thanks for sending. Just got back from visiting my brother Mike and wife Jill in Victoria then went to visit my cousin Doug and wife Nancy who just moved up to Chemainus and built a nice home backing onto the golf course. Then we went to Mayne and turned the heat on and drained the water as we probably wonât be back till New Years. Been trying to get together with your Mom and Dad since we had lunch at the Mayne Inn in the summer and had Ava and Khloe with us so no time to talk.
Your Mom told me about Gay who passed away too soon and enjoyed family times. I was told âLife isnât Fair but it is Justâ. For a while I pondered that answer what is Just and after soul searching to me it is Just Life. Gay is out of pain and joined the rest of her family and it is just family and friends down on planet Earth that miss her but shall meet again but not too soon. LOL
Savour your quiet time feeding the chickens and bunnies as I am sure Nolan and Abigail love them and like to help as well. I lived on a farm for 1 ½ years at my grandparents farm in Langley and fed the chickens as well and they grow so fast. Glad to receive your newsy blog and all is well and your children are enjoying âMommy timeâ. Take care, have fun and ENJOY.
Love Cheryl