
ted talk by shannon

TEDx Talk -The Gift of Failure: How Discomfort Shapes Success

What if failure wasn’t the end, but the beginning of something extraordinary?

Failure doesn’t define you. It refines you. And every time you rise, you grow closer to becoming the person you are meant to be.

My Life Journey

I was featured on Shaw In The Spotlight and Explore with Mary Ruth Snyder.  My mission is to help you become an “Inner Game-Changer and to be in alignment with who you are and live your life’s purpose.

Masterpiece Magic Program

This is where teens can come together from all over the world and create communities where their gifts are recognized and nurtured, a place they can call home.

Shannon's Introduction

I love teaching about nutrition and family wellness. Learn more about me and my passion for empowering families to live healthier lifestyles. We can make the world a healthier and happier place, one child at a time.

Nutrition Facts & Shake Recipe

This fun holistic nutrition class will introduce kids to mindful eating, the importance of eating a rainbow of colors and how whole food can feed our brains and help us learn.  We will focus on the foods that make us stronger as well as healthier, and the foods that are okay occasionally. Children will also learn to make a delicious shake.

My Cancer Survivor Dream Day

Featured on Global News – I am so grateful for this amazing experience and gift. It was an unforgettable day sharing my love and knowledge. I’d never been in a helicopter before, and the BMW was a sweet ride!

Autism Teachers

Nolan and I share his story from being diagnosed with autism to adapting and living everyday life. His teachers have been instrumental in his success, and we are eternally grateful.

Huband Park Elementary Salad Bar

Watch a video of the Huband Park Elementary school salad bar.  I helped create this wonderful nutritional meal program for the school, and the kids love it!

Watch Shannon's TEDx Talk "The Gift of Failure"

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